Board of Directors

Michael Bennett

is a social worker who has spent most of his career working in hospice palliative care. He has been an invited speaker internationally, and is passionate about improving care at the end of life. Mike founded Oneday Dreams with Jason and he’s inspired by helping people live out moments of joy and happiness.

Jason Soulliere

is a Talent Agent at the largest agency in Canada The Feldman Agency. He works with famous Canadian artists and theatre groups. Jason founded Oneday Dreams with Mike and hopes to fulfill decades of dreams to come!

Pat Soulliere

is a retired Director of Sales at Centoco Plastics Limited. Prior to his role with Centoco, Pat was President of Winrac Development Inc. and Windsor Raceway Inc, operating horse race tracks in Woodstock, Dresden and Windsor. Pat is a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA CGA), graduating from Business Administration at St Clair College in 1978 . Pat dedicates time to volunteer activities including; Oneday Dreams. Alzheimer Society of Windsor Essex, Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare Shared Services Committee, & the Alzheimer Society of Ontario

Susan Taylor
Vice Chair

is Vice-Chair of the Oneday Dreams Board of Directors as well as Chair of the Fundraising and Marketing Committee. Her Career is as a Manager in
the private sector and formerly held a Management role with St. Clair College. She is also an entrepreneur and Registered Massage Therapist. Susan is actively involved in the Windsor/Essex community as the current Chair of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s fundraising committee and on the Board of Directors for the St. Clair College Alumni Foundation. She is a past recipient of Hospice Business/Community Group recognition award for her implementation of a massage program for patients of Hospice and their caregivers and previously a member of the Windsor Regional Hospital’s, Quality of Care Committee. Susan is extremely proud to be a part of this organization working to make “Bucket List Dreams” come true!

Janice Cohoe

is a retired CRA Audit Manager and Auditor, with over 31 years of service.  As a former CPA, CGA (retired), she has volunteered as Auditor for a local CWL (Catholic Women’s League) for the past 10 years, and was former Treasurer of a county figure skating club. Janice is an avid runner, cyclist and adventure racer and loves spending time outdoors.  “I am very excited to be joining this Board in bringing joy and happiness through Dreams!”

Tamerra Paterson

is the Secretary for the Board of Directors and a committee member on the Dream Fulfillment Committee, helping make dreams come true. Tamerra has taken on many roles in her young career, working in palliative care as a Manager, Direct Support Professional, and in customer service as a waitress. Tamerra commits her time to volunteer for Oneday Dreams and the Welcome Centre for Women in Windsor/Essex. She is determined to help Oneday Dreams create memorable and joyous experiences for adults living with a terminal illness.

Joe Bachmeier

is a retired Police Inspector with over 33yrs with the Windsor Police Service. His experience includes patrol operations, major crime investigation, internal compliance and audit, policy development, conduct compliance and risk management. Joe has been substantially involved in writing and revising internal bylaws and policies for several organizations and has served on many boards and committees. He currently spends much of his free time with a local food bank. Joe says: “My hope for Oneday is to ensure that terminally ill people are afforded the opportunity to experience at least one unrealized dream.”

Katrina Blanchard

works as a nurse practitioner at Windsor Regional Hospital and is an instructor with the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Windsor. Her intuitive advocacy work and commitment to Oneday’s success makes her a valuable member of the Board. As a member of the “dream team”, Katrina hopes to normalize joy in end of life living. She is honoured to join the Board of Directors as the Chair of the Medical Committee.

Phil Danelon

Phil is currently a financial advisor for an independent brokerage, helping families in Windsor Essex County prepare for their retirement and financial dreams. After completing his MBA from the University of Windsor, he was the Canadian Sales Manager for an industrial hose and tube manufacturer in Brantford, Ontario. Upon moving back to Windsor, Phil realized the need to give back to the community and is excited to bring his skillset to the board of OneDay Dreams. In his downtime, Phil enjoys spending time in the gym, on the golf course with friends, and running his private event bartending company.

Sally Bennett Olczak

Sally Bennett Olczak is the CEO of Alzheimer Society of Windsor and Essex County. Prior to this Sally served at the City of Windsor as a public administrator/project and research officer in the CAO’s office and at the city owned and operated longterm-care residence Huron Lodge Home for Seniors. Committed to a lifetime of community service and care for society’s most vulnerable she has served on the Windsor Regional Hospital boards of directors and on the Autism Services Windsor and Leadership Windsor-Essex boards. In a teaching role she was active in the Windsor Public Library Laubach Literacy adult program, taught as a sessional instructor at the University of Windsor, political science department, and as an English teacher in Windsor’s sister city Fujisawa, Japan. She is dedicated to advocating for enhanced and expanded care for seniors and to reducing stigma and ageism in our society.

Janet Twining
is an Instructor with the Canadian Coast Guard College, with over 20 years service in the Coast Guard. Janet was formerly a Paramedic in both SouthWestern and Eastern Ontario. She is most often found in, on or around the water. Her hope is to support Oneday Dreams in providing moments of joy for those facing terminal illness.
Linda Sabatini

is the Service Coordinator for the Hospice in Windsor, Ontario. For over 36 years, Linda’s vocation to Palliative and End of Life Care is ensuring the patient’s right to the highest quality of life not just in dying well but in living well. Oneday Dreams affirms the value their life still has and in creating lasting memories for loved ones.

Shawn Stewart

has practiced in the areas of civil litigation since 2019, after having articled and then staying on as an Associate lawyer with Kirwin Partners LLP in Windsor, Ontario. Shawn continues to practice civil litigation at Millars Law in London, ON. He completed his Juris Doctor degree at the University of Windsor.
​​Shawn has his personal trainers license and is an avid runner, golfer and musician. Shawn is excited to join the Oneday Dreams board to continue to assist their growth and development and assist their clients in living out their biggest dreams.

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